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Boots Foot Comfort

Laly Chaucheprat and the bootfitting

Nov 16, 2020

Laly Chaucheprat, a telemark skier, came to see us. Telemark Shop principal partner.
Bootfitting, the foot tailored.

This november Friday 13th 2020, Laly Chaucheprat, came to see us on the telemark shop. The goal of this meeting was the renewing of her equipment and to offer her a bootfitting.


Laly is a telemark skier of 22 years old who come from Passy and who, is on the french telemark team. She decided this year to devoite herself fully to her discipline to have the opportunity to go as far as possible on her practice.

Bootfitting is a possibility to adapt a slipper tailored to the foot of the skier.


Two techniques exist : 

The first one consist in thermoform the slipper for compress matter and adapt it to the foot. This the most popular too

The name of the seconde technique is the injacted. We put PU foam (Isocanate and Polyol) in some special parts of the slipper. The goal is to fill the gaps behind the foot and the shoes shell. This the most technological solution to have a comfortable and efficient slipper. 


On the other hand, it's useless to have a bootfitting slipper without a thermoformable sole. The underside of the foot is as important as the slipper. The sole will promote the sanguine circulation and the support. The combo thermoformable sole and bootfitting (whatever the technique) bring to the skier a lot of comfort, a perfect mastery and precise and fast turns.

We had the pleasure to offer to Laly an injected Sidas slipper to give her the possibility to express herself plainly on her skis.

If the bootfitting solution cannot answer completely to your expectetion, it's still possible to deform the shoes shell to have more comfort.

We also took advantage to introduce to Laly Franck from Atomic. The brand expected to follow her with the Telemark Shop to give her some train equipmentand protection for the race. We try to give to Laly all the necessary equipment for the good success and smooth running of her season. We hope the competitions will continue, despite this particular period and that Laly will have possibility to take pleasure on the slopes.

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